
The year is 1851. The infamous HMS Bloodhound has set sail from England and berthed in Lagos, with one objective: Attack and take control of Lagos. Whoever controls Lagos controls its commerce and holds major trade influence in the West African region.

This is really a battle between Oba Kosoko and his uncle, Oba Akitoye. While the former was loved by his people, he encouraged slave trade and had support from the likes of Madam Efunroye Tinubu. Akitoye on the other hand who was friends with the British, had tried to stop slave trade in Lagos, but lost the throne to his nephew Kosoko in the process.

The die is cast. The battle for the soul of Lagos is unavoidable. Kosoko wants the throne, but Akitoye with support from the British forces, wants it more. Players move into position.

Lagos is invaded on December 26, 1851.For 5 days, the British forces decimate Lagos. On 31st December 1851 Oba Akitoye is re-installed as the Oba of Lagos. Oba Akitoye entered into a treaty with Britain and assumed the throne from January 1852. Lagos was annexed as a British Colony in 1861, this formed a basis for the colonial administration in what later became Nigeria.

Today, you have the chance to rewrite that history through Agidingbi 1851. Win or lose Eko, it’s in your hands. Welcome to the game!


The term AGIDINGBI is an onomatope for the sounds made during the canon guns that was fired by British forces in 1851. The sound was so loud that, it was heard in far Badagry and the mainland of Lagos. The game seeks to teach a bit of Lagos history while improving the IQ, mental awareness, risk analysis, leadership skills and more.

This chess-style game is our way of exporting Lagos to the rest of the world via the digital landscape. 1851 Agidingbi is also available as a board game


Oba of Lagos (The King)

Meet the Oba of Lagos; he sits as ruler in the land of Eko. As a traditional and religious leader, he presides over the affairs of the land of the living and the land of the spirits. His decisions are final; he makes the laws of the land which are to be respected by everyone.

Erelu Kuti of Lagos (Queen Mother)

The Erelu Kuti of Lagos is the traditional aristocrat charged with the bearing of the ritual essence of Oloye Erelu Kuti I, an eighteenth-century Yoruba royal who aided in the consolidation of her homeland. The Erelu Kuti of Lagos is ranked third in the kingdom’s order of precedence. She serves as regent when the “stool” of the king, or Oba of Lagos, is vacant. As part of the coronation ceremonies for a new Oba, she also publicly blesses the candidate prior to his installation. For these reasons, she is regarded as the queen mother of the realm.

Omo Ogun Eko (The Pawns)

They are the first line of defense in the city of Eko. They pledge their allegiance to the Oba of Lagos, and the Balogun who controls the Calvary. They are always armed and ready to defend the city against any external and internal attack.

Eletu Odibo (The Bishop):

Meet the Eletu Odibo of Lagos, as the Prime Minister and he is in charge of all religious and spiritual activities around Lagos. He is the royal oracle of the residence of the Oba of Lagos. No one sees or has an audience with the Oba without his permission.

Abagbon (The Knight):

Meet the Abagbon, the War Chief of Lagos. His duty is to defend the city and lead the army brigade whenever the need arises. He sees to the protection and security of the “Iga” – the royal residence, at any point in time, especially whenever an Oba joins his ancestors. He secures the Palace until a new King is crowned.

Adamu Eyo (The Rook)

Meet the Adamu Orisha; the Eyo Masquerade. The Eyo Masquerade came into existence in 1862 when Oba Akitoye of Lagos died. It is only fair we replace the Rook here with the Adamu Orisha; Eyo.  The rook moves horizontally or vertically, through any number of unoccupied squares (see diagram). As with captures by other pieces, the rook captures by occupying the square on which the enemy piece sits. The rook also participates, with the king, in a special move called castling.

1851 Agidingbi


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